
Amazon Women of Inner-Earth #1

Created by Dren Productions LLC

The first issue of an adult sci-fi/fantasy comic series.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Stretch Goal!
4 months ago – Sun, Jun 16, 2024 at 05:52:55 AM

First, to all our dads out there, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!

Second, we're going to be out celebrating all day today, and un-ironically, we couldn't do an update yesterday because we were running around with the kids all day. So, we wanted to make a quick update this morning, because we hit our last stretch goal, and we wanted to announce our next!

So far, we've unlocked the Magnet, the Digital Wallpapers, and the Bookmark. Now, we're going to be adding a digital short story to go along with the book. 

Take a look!

We will post another update soon. We have another great add-on for you that we know you'll love. So, be on the lookout!

Until next time!


Here is another campaign you should check out!

It's called Palace of the Golden Princess and it's in it's 4th issue. But don't worry, you can grab the first 3 here too!

A world too racy for D&D

In 1981, TSR recalled and destroyed the first adventure module ever written by a woman, Jean Wells' Palace of the Silver Princess, citing 'S&M' content.  In running the adventure for my friends during quarantine, I took notice of the femdom elements of the local town the adventurers start in and thought it worth revisiting. 

Head over and check it out!


Thanks all!


Holofoil Cover
4 months ago – Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 05:52:51 AM

Hey all, 

The weekend is upon us, and as usual, we have something new for you!

We are going to be offering a couple of virgin holofoil covers as add-ons, and today we are announcing the first of them. We have Tim Seeley's cover as a Limited Virgin Holofoil!

So, as far as these virgin holofoils go. We will only order what is pledged for. So if 25 of your decide you want this cover, then only 25 will be printed. If 50 of you pledge for it, then 50 will be printed. These will not ever be available outside of this campaign. So, if you want it, this would be the time to grab it. 

I can also personally attest that these holofoil covers are beautiful. The artwork really shines on them, and with Tim Seeley's art, you know it's going to look fabulous! So, again, if you want it, grab it now!

More to come soon! But for now, we still have that stretch goal to surpass. Once we hit it, we will be announcing even more awesome goals!

Here is what we're trying to get to now!

Please get out there and share this campaign. The more we share, the more eyes we get on it, and the faster we can hit this goal and unlock even more!

Until next time!!! 


In the meantime, we have a cool project for you to check out as well!

Space Happy #6: Blondes and Blasters

Jumper Jones, Choca Bomb and robot Bob 47 find Adventure as Intergalactic Couriers in this Comic Series for Mature Adults

Of all the strange tales of the Old Spaceways, none are more fascinating than those of the intergalactic courier, Jumper Jones, and her lovestruck robot companion, Bob 47! Join Jonesy and Bob 47 aboard the their ship, the Velvet Star, to experience mystery, humor, sexy thrills, and adventure in this ongoing comic series!

Head on over and give it a look!


Thanks all!


Off to a Great Start!!!
4 months ago – Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 05:08:32 AM

Hey all!

Thanks for coming out for our latest comic! We know you'll like this one. 

As always thanks for coming out and supporting our work. We appreciate you all! We couldn't do these projects without you! So a great big THANK YOU!!!

Anyway, we hit our goal, and se we wanted to announce some stretch goals. The first one, we've already surpassed. So, without further ado...

So, as you can see, you'll be grabbing the magnet already. But what else do we have in store?

And that's not all. Once we unlock these great rewards, we'll be announcing even more! So, be on the lookout. 

You can also help us out by sharing the project. Go out far and wide and share with your social media networks. The quicker we unlock these goals, the quicker we can announce even more awesome stuff for you!

Anyway, we will update again soon!